# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f861417273f, pid=31502, tid=140214257428224 # # JRE version: 6.0_31-b31 # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (23.25-b01 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops) # Problematic frame: # C [libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0+0x5173f] gdk_display_open+0x3f # # Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again # # If you would like to submit a bug report, please include # instructions how to reproduce the bug and visit: # # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code. # See problematic frame for where to report the bug. #
-startupplugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar--launcher.libraryplugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20140603-1326--launcher.XXMaxPermSize256m--launcher.defaultActionopenFile--launcher.GTK_version2-showlocation-nameZend Studio-vmargs-Xms128M-Xmx1024M-XX:MaxPermSize=256m-DGIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.7